Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Food Food Food!

On a good week my workout agenda looks like this: three times a week, I attend a fitness class. Following those classes I typically go to the gym and do some light cardio and lift weights. Then there are the weeks where I am sick, a child is sick, I have to work, or I over sleep, etc and my week of workouts look like this:       . Nothing. It is in those times that I have to really rely on my food to keep me on track.

About a month ago I had hit a rough patch in my workouts with it being too hot to exercise outside, having to kids home during the summer meant no gym time, and I was going through a bout of laziness. Through that I did not gain a single pound. Imagine that! I had programmed myself to think that if I didn't work out for a little while, all the weight I had lost would come back and then some--but it didn't.

I have learned over the past year and a half that food is the most important part of your health journey. Sure, being able to run is great but if you are still downing greasy food every day, your heart is no better off. Lifting weights is wonderful but if you are also consistently lifting donuts and coffee to your lips, your stomach isn't going anywhere. It really is about being a manager of yourself. That sounds silly, but honestly it's true. You have to be able to deny yourself things that are not good, for those things that are much greater.

I'm going to try to help make some suggestions of how to make small changes now that can drastically impact your "later".

Track your food:
You've heard me say this a million times but it is really important to me: TRACK YOUR FOOD! I use MyFitnessPal to do this and it is so easy. The app will calculate your required calories based on your information and goals. You can then input your food and let it do the math for you. You can scan bar codes into the app so you don't have to do the leg work of typing in the nutritional information of each item and you can even search for restaurants on it. It is great in the way of accountability to yourself and your friends that you can add as well.

Here's the deal. You should not be drinking your calories! Aside from a healthy (meal replacing) green smoothie or shake, you truly should only be drinking water (flavor it if you have to at first!) Drinking calories does not fill you up and you still tend to eat the same amount you would eat otherwise. Trust me--this girl drank 2-3 cans of Coke a day and continued to eat the same. It didn't work. This rule applies to more than just soda. Tea, juice, energy drinks, alcoholic beverages, and sugary coffee drinks are not doing you much good. Trade them for water and then you can drink as much as you want without having to track anything! If you do drink anything other than water, track it in your daily food log--you'll be surprised how quickly you become protective of your calories and actually WANT to drink water!

Serving Sizes:
I know I preach this a lot but serving sizes are so crucial! A serving size is not how much you can fit on your plate. Aside from the occasional bag of chips I would eat in its entirety, I never would have thought of myself as an over eater before. Boy was I wrong! Remember to read nutritional labels carefully. If a cereal or cookies nutritional informaiton sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Check the serving size, some are surprisingly small, and this is done intentionally to get you to think you're making a good choice. Honestly, who eats 2 Oreos?

Eating out: 
Let's face it, you are going to eat out every once in a while. This doesn't have to be a time of high anxiety or an opportunity to over eat. A sweet friend of mine, Monica, is on an amazing fitness journey as well and she reached out to me recently. She offered some suggestions on how to handle eating out while trying to be healthy. This is super great information!

  • Ask for all condiments on the side.
  • Ask for your burger or sandwich to be open faced (meaning without the top of the bun). It helps with will power.
  • When ordering a side, opt for the side salad with dressing separate. The serving size of any dressing is typically 2 spoonfuls.
  • Good go-to options when eating out: 
    • Salad with grilled chicken, steak, hard boiled eggs, or salmon with 2 spoonfuls of any dressing.
    • An open faced grilled chicken sandwich or burger with 1/2 spoonful of any condiments.
    • Steak, salmon or grilled chicken with rice or potatoes (4 spoonfuls) and steamed veggies.
This is so important. In the beginning, I made a decision that I was going to put my journey out there on Facebook and despite my anxiety about it, it was the best decision I could have made. People started asking me questions. Encouraging comments came just when I needed them. I started seeing people around me make better choices for themselves as well. In a world where are we have to do to connect is log in, use the benefit of those in your life to keep you on track. Help them as well. This is a hard journey but when done right, you can inspire so many people with also spurs you on and helps you keep going. 

In terms of accountability, I noticed last month that MyFitnessPal now allows you to share your food diary for all of our friends to see once you've completed it for the day. The thought of this makes me nervous but I am challenging myself to do that starting today. This is another layer of accountability for me. In the beginning it would have been to make sure I wasn't eating too much, now I need accountability buddies to make sure I'm eating enough. (To clarify, I don't starve, but there are times where I should be eating more than my allotted 1500 calories). Also, this should be helpful if you are asking yourself, like many that know me, "What does she eat?!" Find me on MyFitnessPal (mommacartlidge) and we can keep each other on track! 

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